Welcome to the Gimlet Brotherhood Website, Home of the Gimlet Association 21st Infantry Regiment
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Two websites dedicated to our
Modern Day Brothers of War
Brother Tom Pozdol, C Company, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry has authored a book, “Tam Ky”, the battle for Nui Yon Hill. It can be found….. HERE !!
"Click on Covers to enlarge"
This page was last updated: March 22, 2021
Brother David P. Walker, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry has authored a book, "Cyclops in the Jungle," it can be found HERE!!
R. J. Hendrickson has written a Vietnam era novel , Click on photo for more.
A very unique website on early Gimlet History by Lisa Sholl.
" Click on photo for some great reading"
The 3d Battalion’s commander, Lieutenant Colonel John A. McConnell,
and staff brief the battalion’s company commanders before the attack.
"Click on the photo to see"
Lieutenant Lindsey P. Henderson, Jr.
"Graphics courtesy of Dave "Varmint" Walker, Vietnam 67-72"

Welcome to the 21st Infantry Regiment “Gimlet” Website
The website is dedicated to all Gimlet Warriors who have served and continue serving honorably today with the 21st Infantry Regiment “Gimlet.” The website honors the memory of all Gimlet Warriors who have paid the ultimate price for peace, freedom and the American way of life. Remain a part of the Gimlet Brotherhood forever! Pride and Honor is the mainstay of the Gimlet Brotherhood. Learn more about the Brotherhood at:
Bonds of Brotherhood
Bonds of Brotherhood are eternal. Don’t lose touch with your Gimlet Brothers with which you proudly served. Only soldiers who have shared the military experience of serving together in American’s armed forces are aware of the fraternal ties that bind them together forever. Soldiers who endure the rigors of training readying for combat, sharing the trials and tribulations thereof, and then survive combat, are tied together forever by a special bond of brotherhood. Gimlets of 21st Infantry Regiment who forged those bonds with their blood, sweat and tears share that everlasting bond: Gimlet Brotherhood. There is a special pride about being a Gimlet Brother that only Gimlets share. The saying goes in the 21st Infantry Regiment, “Once a Gimlet, always a Gimlet.” And that is true throughout a Gimlet’s life and into death – the bond is an eternal one.
Gimlet Prayer
“Lord, hold all our Gimlet Brothers as well as all American service personnel throughout the world in your loving hands. Bless, Comfort and protect them while they stand ever vigilant ready to make the ultimate sacrifice defending and protecting our nation, its people, and our way of life. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform each and every day, so families throughout the world can live free of oppression and tyranny. Amen.”
Bore Brother Bore!
To all Gimlets that have served honorably with or attached operationally to the 21st Infantry Regiment “Gimlet” during peacetime or war and those who continue serving today – Bore Brother Bore!

"Final Voyage" USS Indianapolis (CA-35) Authored by Frank Newby, a Navy Korean Veteran. A Great History Tribute to a Great Ship.
"Click on the cover for press release"
Author Dan Rodgers served with 3/21 in 1967 & 68
co-authored by R. Mitch Mitchell, Allen Hoe,
edited by Timothy LeTouzel, Director MTC
"Click to see more"
Slater Davis served with 4/21 in Vietnam
"Read more by clicking on photo"
President Donald Trump bestows the Medal of Honor on retired U.S. Army medic and Vietnam War veteran James McCloughan of South Haven, Mich., at the White House on Monday. McCloughan was honored for his heroism in rescuing and attending to injured troops during the 1969 battle of Hui Yon Hill in Vietnam.
Click on photo for story
GEN Volney F. Warner Commander in Chief U.S. Readiness Command 1981.
Retired Gen. Volney Frank Warner, a highly decorated veteran of the Korean and Vietnam Wars died November 18, 2019 at 93. He served as a Gimlet leader during the Korean War._
Monday, November 18, 2019
Retired Gen. Volney Frank Warner, a highly decorated veteran of the wars in Vietnam and Korea who went on to command the XVIII Airborne Corps and the U.S. Readiness Command, has died. He was 93.
Warner, a 1950 West Point graduate, earned two Silver Stars—one for leading his platoon through a fierce battle in Korea in 1950, and the other for his actions against a large enemy force in Vietnam in 1969—as well as two Legion of Merit awards, the Distinguished Flying Cross and two Bronze Star Medals with V device, among others.
During his career spanning more than three decades, Warner served in Europe, at West Point, as the military assistant to the Special Assistant to the President for Vietnam Affairs, and as the executive officer and senior aide to the Army chief of staff.
Warner served in the 82nd Airborne Division, first as chief of staff, then as the assistant division commander for operations. He served as assistant deputy chief of staff for operations in the U.S. Army Forces Command before taking command of the 9th Infantry Division and, later, the XVIII Airborne Corps.
Retired Gen. Volney Frank Warner, a highly decorated veteran of the Korean and Vietnam Wars died November 18, 2019 at 93. He served as a Gimlet leader during the Korean War.
His final assignment was as commander of the U.S. Readiness Command, which prepared Army and Air Force units for overseas deployments and was responsible for joint training and exercises.
Warner, who retired from the Army in 1981, is believed to have coined the phrase “boots on the ground” during a news interview in 1980 when discussing the military’s ability to rapidly deploy troops to respond to a contingency.
He is survived by his wife, Belva Janice Warner, four children and seven grandchildren.
His granddaughter, 1st Lt. Laura Walker, was killed Aug. 18, 2005, when a roadside bomb struck her vehicle in Afghanistan. She was the first female West Point graduate to be killed in Iraq or Afghanistan.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the 1LT Laura Walker Memorial Fund.
Relatives and friends are invited to call at Joseph Gawler’s Sons, 5130 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, D.C., from 4–7 p.m. Dec. 1.
Memorial services will be held from 11 a.m. to noon Dec. 2 at the Fort Myer Memorial Chapel at Fort Myer, Virginia