Personal stories from our Brothers

The following is from an e-mail I received from Thomas Pozdol and thought there are so many of us out there that had similar stories that we could not act on for one reason or another, this man a 3/21 Brother did....
I received word that Son passed away. For those who do not know this story. Son was wounded in 1968 in the Tam Ky area when she was 12 years old. She was medevaced to Danang. She lost her left leg.
In 2010, one of the men, Neil Hannah, who had made sure Son was placed on the dustoff returned to Nam. He found Son and her mother living in poverty. He decided to do something about it. Once back in the States he started a charity mission to help out Son and her mother. Last year, Son received the wheelchair (seen in attached photo, Neil Hannah is also in the photo). Neil also had food and medicine sent to the family. However, the years of neglect finally took its toll on Son. She died yesterday, 1-6-2013.
The tragedy of war reaches far into the future and affects many lives on all sides.