Dear Gimlet Brother:

I ask that you accept my personal invitation to become part of the Gimlet Brotherhood by enrolling in the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry Regiment.

The brotherhood must work united vigorously building the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry into a hallmark military fraternal organization that will be recognized worldwide. Take this opportunity to become member of the Gimlet Brotherhood by joining the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry today. Help the association achieve that goal while maintaining the heritage and traditions thereof. Presently, the association boasts a robust membership roster of individual Gimlet Brothers, past and present. Gimlet Brothers assigned to 1st and 3rd Battalions (STRYKER), 21st Infantry Regiment, 25th ID, fall under blanket Master Membership documents. Let us all work together to double individual membership, thereby forming a stronger brotherhood.

Older Gimlets owe it to our younger Brother Gimlets to help them preserve the rich heritage and traditions of the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet). Building the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry is a monumental task, requiring vision and leadership. The association is continually looking for new members with boundless vision and extraordinary leadership skills to make the association flourish.

The association needs an infusion of new blood! The association needs individual members who want to become active in the association, thereby building the association into a centerpiece national military alumni organization that other organizations will surely want to emulate. I ask that you accept my personal invitation to join the Gimlet Association: an organization that represents the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet). Become a proud Brother Gimlet and let other brothers know you are a proud member of the ever growing Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry. Who knows, you might possibly connect with a Gimlet Brother with whom you proudly served while on active duty. As a Brother Gimlet I ask that you accept my special invitation by taking a positive step forward: become a proud member and then help recruit other Gimlet Brothers.

In closing, I ask that you embrace this opportunity to become a part of the Gimlet Brotherhood and Gimlet family by joining the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry. I hope you will take a few moments to review the membership packet and then complete the enrollment form enclosed herein. Give careful consideration to the meaning of “Bonds of Brotherhood,” and then activate your membership in the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry. Enrollment takes only a few minutes. Once the enrollment form is complete return only the enrollment form portion to association headquarters electronically via e-mail or send it directly to association’s national headquarters by way of USPS mail. Once the form is received you will receive a welcome letter within a few days with your individual identification number. Then pass the membership packet onto a Brother Gimlet inviting that person to become an active member of the association.

I eagerly await your positive response along with the completed enrollment form. Remember the association operates on donations only. Presently, there are no dues.

The Membership packet attachment below is a PDF format.  Gimlets may download and return electronically or by way of USPS mail.

R. Mitch Mitchell
R. Mitch Mitchell, President
Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry Regiment

Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry: a brief history

When the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry, hereinafter the association, was formed it was about Brotherhood and remains so today. From its humble beginnings with only a handful of 3-21 Vietnam veterans the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry Regiment has grown into a much more inclusive organization boasting well over 1,000 active members, not counting those Gimlets assigned to active Army battalions. In the 1990s the association was quite simply a loosely organized group of former 3rd Battalion 21st Infantry Gimlets who had served together during the Vietnam War. These Gimlets reunited via e-mail or telephone to visit, sharing experiences and supporting one another. Through the association brother Gimlets tried to locate other Gimlet brothers.

Once the Gimlet websites were activated on the Internet the sites began to attract the attention of other 3rd Battalion Gimlets as well as former Korean War and W.W. II Gimlets. A few months later 4th Battalion Gimlets who fought in Vietnam requested membership. The association began receiving requests from 1-21 IN and 2-21 IN Cold War Gimlets who had served in Germany, CONUS, and Hawaii. Then 4th and 5th Battalion 21st Infantry (Gimlet) LightFighters who served with the 7th ID at Fort Ord, California, discovered the association.

Finally, a decision was made to include all Gimlets, past and present, which saw honorable service with the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet); thereby forming the more inclusive organization it is today. The primary goal of the association is creation of a viable and cohesive national veteran’s organization to promote Gimlet Brotherhood: an organization of Gimlets past and present who will preserve the proud heritage and rich traditions of the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet) perpetuating them forever.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry Regiment is to promote brotherhood, thereby honoring and preserving the legacy of the 21st Infantry. The association’s goal is to reunite Brother Gimlets so they may work towards promoting, preserving, and strengthening the bonds of Gimlet Brotherhood between members of the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet) who serve with honor today and Gimlets who previously served with honor.


The purpose of the association is to promote brotherhood by locating and reuniting Gimlets, past and present. To always honor fallen comrades and promote Gimlet brotherhood between former Gimlets and Gimlets proudly serving today, while all work together towards a common goal: preserving and perpetuating the proud heritage and all the rich traditions of the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet).

Although a nonpartisan organization the association supports the decisions of the Commander in Chief and supports a Military Policy of strong combat-ready regular and reserve component forces capable of providing adequate security for the United States, its citizens, and American allies.

The association shall seek to insure that posterity is constantly reminded of those instances of service, sacrifice, and dedication to the preservation of the nation’s liberty and freedom by celebrating those dates that recall America’s independence and sacrifices made by members of the United States armed forces and all who served therein.

The association accomplishes its purpose through active membership, communication, reunions, and other social or special events. The association was established and is maintained as a nonprofit nonpartisan organization, whereby the association operates as a financially self-sustaining, non-governmental, national private veteran’s organization with its main goal to promote brotherhood and preserve the huge history and rich traditions of the 21st Infantry.

Association Position

The association’s position is: Gimlets past, owe it to the new generation of Gimlets to help them preserve the proud heritage and rich traditions of the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet) and to help build the association into a fully functional and solvent private national veteran’s organization that will promote Gimlet Brotherhood.

To move the National association forward in a positive direction is a monumental task that requires great vision, leadership, and new members who want to see the association flourish. The association constantly seeks new members who want to become active in the association and who are dedicated to its mission and purpose.


The Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry is open to current active duty personnel and past members of the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet) who saw honorable active service during peacetime, conflict, or war. An “Associate Member” is a surviving spouse/sibling/parent, of an active duty Gimlet who served honorably with the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet) and was Killed In Action, reported Missing In Action (remains not recovered), or a person (limited) who has performed meritoriously above and beyond for the betterment of the association. An Honorary Member is a Gimlet, Officer or Enlisted Person, alive or dead, who has served in a position of distinction and honor with the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet).

Membership, on a voluntary basis, is solicited from the ranks of personnel who are either currently serving on active military status or have served honorably with or attached (operationally) to the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet), one of its Battalions, or Task Forces. Service may have been during peacetime, conflict, or war. All personnel who served in units attached (operationally) to or in support of the 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet), one of its Battalions (Separate), or Task Forces (Separate) in time of conflict or war, or under combat conditions shall also be eligible for membership therein. A dependent or parent(s) of a Gimlet Killed In Action or reported Missing In Action (remains not recovered) automatically becomes eligible for lifetime membership in the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry under the deceased or missing Gimlet’s name as an Associate Member.

Initial membership in the association is free. Once a completed enrollment form is received and processed at Association Headquarters a welcome letter with personal ID number is issued. This action places a member in good standing in the association, and in the association’s electronic database as an active, passive or associate member. All active duty 21st Infantry Regiment Gimlets personnel fall under applicably numbered Master Membership documents issued to commanders of each active 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet) Battalions and/or subordinate commands thereto until such time as the Gimlet unit is deactivated, individuals are released from 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet) units, individual PCS, or individual leaves active military service.

A membership packet and enrollment form may be requested electronically or by USPS mail service from the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry Headquarters. Electronic enrollment requests may be made via E-mail: and then returned electronically, or via USPS mail. A hardcopy membership packet may be requested via USPS mail; simply furnish full name, good mailing address, and a membership packet will be mailed out within a few days. Once a prospect receives the packet he/she completes the enrollment form, and then returns the completed form to National Association Headquarters: Gimlet Membership, PO Box 661977, Sacramento, CA  95866-1977. As soon as the prospect’s enrollment form is processed he/she will be sent a welcome letter and association ID number.

All Gimlets serving on active status and in overseas theaters of operation are automatically members of the association under applicably numbered Master Membership documents issued to each Commander. Personnel assigned or attached operationally to 21st Infantry Regiment (Gimlet) and subordinate units thereto are considered to be a Gimlet for the duration thereof.

The association’s membership goal is to double its active membership base yearly. Please, help the association meet its membership goal by bringing in at least one new member. Note and remember: presently there are no membership dues or fees charged to join or belong to the Gimlet National Association 21st Infantry. The association operates solely on donations from individuals or fundraisers, so please support your association with a donation.

Communication and Publications

The association communicates primarily with its membership by way of e-mails; therefore, having accurate e-mail addresses is essential. In case of changes in e-mail addresses, please make the association aware of your changes. The association also communicates with its membership via newsletters, meetings, and reunions, so the association needs good mailing addresses for its members too.


As the association continues to grow suggestions are sought as how best to improve the association, “The Gimlet,” and websites. The association requests feedback in all areas of association business; administration, operations, and media venues as well as input on retail merchandising.

21st Infantry Regiment

Gimlet National Association Headquarters
PO Box 661977
Sacramento, CA  95866-1977